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DSAW Webinar: Advocating for Inclusive Education: Supporting Parents & Families

DSAW Webinar

Advocating for Inclusive Education: Supporting Parents & Families

Parents, family members, and caregivers of children with Down syndrome are often asked to wear many hats--from teacher, to physical therapist, to communication support person, to lawyer, and beyond! Negotiating these many roles and responsibilities can seem overwhelming, particularly when advocating for more inclusive education opportunities for your children. This webinar will equip attendees with information and strategies to navigate complex conversations with school districts and IEP teams, endeavoring to forge a productive path forward.

Dr. Katherine Vroman

Dr. Vroman is an inclusion facilitator at The New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Education (NJCIE), collaborating with educators and families to promote full access, meaningful participation, and authentic belonging for students with disabilities, including those with the most complex support needs, in their schools and communities. Katherine earned her PhD in Disability Studies from Syracuse University, endeavoring to translate inclusive values into on-the-ground practices to affect transformative, systemic change. Over the last decade, Katherine has worked in disability advocacy, conducted research, and provided training and technical assistance to educators, families, and self-advocates. She has also instructed pre-service inclusive educators at the undergraduate and graduate levels at Syracuse University, Montclair State University and The College of New Jersey, and is fluent in American Sign Language.
