Looking Back on April

April was full of more successful events! Here’s some of the fun things DSAW staff and members were able to do!

Rad Rec Group

Our Rad Rec Group enjoyed a couple of fun events this month. Rad Rec events occur throughout the community at many of our local partnerships in Southeastern WI. This month a fun afternoon was spent at the Majestic in Brookfield to watch the movie, “Champions”, a movie with a great message and featuring individuals with Down syndrome. Another day was spent with peers practicing social and community skills at the Domes and then playing card games at the DSAW office.

Play Day at Monkey Joe’s

DSAW families and kids had a great time coming out to play at Monkey Joe's in Waukesha this month! Kids had fun exploring and playing on giant inflatable jump to slick slides, rockin’ arcades, and jungle playgrounds. There were plenty of smiles to go around!

Self- Advocates hard at work

We love our self-advocates, employments services, and the job coaches that support them! This duo is a team: Reini Ruiz (taller) and Nyan Krumree. They work at Neu Tools in New Berlin and are two amazing young men! They were recognized by DSAW’s Job coach Stephanie Gross in April.