Looking Back on April 2022

We’re looking back on April! As the weather warms up, we are preparing for summer programs — registration is open now! This month, we hosted a great Down Syndrome Summit with National Down Syndrome Congress and UW-Stevens Point, learned about teamwork in Social Skills Group, and practiced our Culver’s orders in the Fox Cities. Read on to learn all about it!

NDSC Down Syndrome Summit

We had a fantastic Down Syndrome Summit with National Down Syndrome Congress and UW-Stevens Point on Saturday, April 23rd! We are so grateful to all of the AMAZING members of the DSAW community and the broader disability community in Wisconsin who attended and made this program a big success.

Thank you to all of our wonderful speakers for sharing their resources and knowledge with us: Susanna Miller-Raines from Think College, Paige Parr from Project SEARCH, and Chris Newlon and Tamara Pursley from National Down Syndrome Congress.
Thank you to the parents and community members who make up the DSAW-Central WI Advisory Board for their influence and effort in planning this event and for their commitment to community education.
Thank you to National Down Syndrome Congress and their Rural Outreach Program for making this day happen and providing resources for all attendees.
Thank you to UW-Stevens Point for collaborating with DSAW and NDSC and donating space for our event.

Culver’s Outing

In the Fox Cities, our staff organized a group outing in which participants enjoyed a meal at Culver's! Participants pre-planned their meals and practiced ordering and paying.

Participants proudly followed the steps, and after they ate, self advocate JP typed on his talker without anyone noticing and walked up to a Culver's employee. JP was trying to show him his iPad screen. The DSAW group asked him to come sit back down and, when returning to the table, asked what he was trying to show the employee. JP showed the screen of his talker, and he had typed, “John Paul Job.” He was pointing at the table, as to say, “here”. “I want a job here” 💙💛

Social Skills Group

DSAW’s Social Skills Group is a hands-on program occurring 1 day per week at DSAW HQ in Southeastern WI with small group daily living skills, fun activities, games, and so much more! In April, Social Skills Group learned about teamwork and wrote some positive words to spread kindness around DSAW!

Skills Training Academy

Skills Training Academy is a hands-on program occurring 2 days per week at DSAW HQ with small group daily living skills, computer/media development, fun activities, games, and so much more! This month, STA participants have been learning about how to make conversations with peers, understanding body language and facial expressions by playing a telephone game, having 1:1 conversations, and participating in a Lego communication challenge activity. STA participants also made some spring flowers to help brighten up the office!

Wellness 360

Wellness 360 is our new unique mind and body group fitness class in Southeastern WI. It offers participants the opportunity to participate in workouts and learn all about whole person wellness and how to incorporate it into their lives!

Saturday Fun Days!

Children's Saturday Fun Day had fun enjoying the outside weather playing kickball, basketball tic-tac-toe, and drawing with chalk. They also played group games, did a spring craft, and sang some karaoke! Adult’s Saturday Fun Day got to visit the Milwaukee County Zoo!

Creative Corner

Creative Corner is a FREE virtual art class that will use everyday objects around the house in different craft projects. This month, Creative Corner made some crafty Easter bunnies!

Summer Programs Registration

Summer programs registration is now open! This year, we are offering DSAW Connects virtual classes for the entire state of Wisconsin and in-person programming in Southeastern WI, Fox Cities, and South Central WI. Summer programming at DSAW runs June 13th through August 26th unless otherwise noted.